Process Is The Main Thing

@ Anatoly Belaychuk’s BPM Blog

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(Русский) Семинар по BPM для аудитории

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12/10/08 | News | ,     Comments: 10

I did it!

I have a blog of my own. You can find out who is “me” and what is this blog about here and there.

And right now - couple of words about what it costed to me. Four days: two on design, two on customizing Wordpress. What was the idea? Well,  to start with - I wanted a standalone blog. If you pretend to be an IT blogger but are unable to build it with your own hands - are you really an IT man? Or ex-one who didn’t write a line of code for last …teen years?!

Secondly, these Wordpress themes - they are awfull. OK you may say they are “nice” and I’d agree to this but I couldn’t find a single one matching the following requirements:

  • cross-browserness (behave well in IE6 in particular)
  • fluid layout
  • variable fonts

Sacrifying usability for pretty design is not for me.

» read the rest

12/01/08 | News |     Comments: 2

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