Process Is The Main Thing

@ Anatoly Belaychuk’s BPM Blog

Posts Tagged ‘signal’

Process Pattern: Post Office

In the previous post we considered a message from external entity that needs to be processed to determine which process instance it should be routed to. But at least there were no incertainity about which process template (process type) the message corresponds: client requests a credit card from a clerk (credit card issuance process),  CV arrives to Human Resources (enrollment process), payment notification reaches Finance (sales process).

Now let’s consider more complicated case: documents arrive to the company’s post address by traditional mail. They don’t reach process participant’s desk directly but go to the general administration office. » read the rest

07/07/11 | Articles | , ,     Comments: 12

Interprocess Communications Via Data

Here is a test for my readers.

Question: What BPMN elements may be used to model interprocess communications (mark all correct options) -

  1. sequence flow
  2. message flow
  3. signal event
  4. conditional event
  5. association

Answer: click to see the answer

Comments to the answer:

» read the rest

11/12/10 | Articles | , , ,     Comments: 9

Warning About BPMN Signal Event

Let’s consider a process diagram borrowed (with some simplifications) from the book by Stephen White, Derek Miers, “BPMN Modeling And Reference Guide”, p. 113:

The diagram illustrates a fragment of book creation process. The process splits into two subprocesses executed in parallel: writing text and developing book cover. The point is that book cover development may start only when the concept is ready.

The challenge of implementing this logic is that we can’t use sequence flow because it cannot cross subprocess boundary. (Let’s leave apart the question why we need subporcesses here; let’s just suppose we need them for some reason.) We can’t use message flow either because it’s all within a single pool.

The standard recommendation is to use BPMN signal event:

  • when the concept is ready, first subporcess triggers a signal
  • second process was awaiting for the signal; after catching the signal it proceeds to “Develop Book Cover” task

It’s so called “Milestone” process pattern. A similar example of BPMN signal usage is given in the book by Bruce Silver, “BPMN Method and Style”, p. 98.

Where is the catch?

Everything is OK as long as we consider a signle book creation. Now let’s suppose several books are processed at once. Recalling that BPMN signal is broadcasted to everyone awaiting it at the given moment, as soon as the concept of first book is ready all designers will receive the signal to start developing the cover. Not exactly what we expected.

In order to make the diagram work we must limit the signal propagation somehow. How it can be done?

  1. The first thing that comes into my mind is an attribute that would limit signal broadcasting by the current process instance boundaries. Yet there is no such attribute in the standard. Under BPMN 1.x one may say that it’s implementation issue not covered by the standard. But BPMN 2.0 fully specify the process metamodel. Let’s look at page 281 of OMG document dated June 2010: signal has a single attribute - its name. Therefore, a signal will be transmitted to all process instances.
  2. If the signal has only name then let’s use what we have. The diagram above may work if we could change signal name dynamically i.e. during the process execution. If we could name the signal “Process 999 Concept Ready” instead of “Concept Ready” then everything will be fine. But it’s a dirty hack and it’s hard to count on it. BPMS engines allow to change certain things during the execution (e.g. timer settings) but unlikely the name.

Why we should care.

Depending on whether we may use signal events to coordinate flows within a process instance, we should chose one process architecture or another:

  • if signals propagation can be limited, one can freely use subprocesses - whenever the need to synchronize them arises, it can be done by a signal
  • if signals transmit without limits then the only option is to launch separate processes for each branch because we can synchronize processes by message flows, resulting in a diagram like this:


  1. The BPMN standard lacks an attribute giving an option to limit signal event propagation.
  2. As long as there is no way to limit the signal propagation, the “Milestone” process pattern should be implmented by message flows between separate pools.
11/05/10 | Articles | , , ,     Comments: 7

BPMN Signal Start

A short addendum to previous post “A Case For BPMN Signal Event“.

The pecularity of the signal event noted there - a signal is catched by every instance of a receiver process which is waiting for the event at the moment the signal is thrown - refers to intermediate events.

In case of start event one process initiates a signal and another process starts as a result. But why using a signal here - a message seemingly can do the same?

Firstly, a signal allows to initiate several processes at once.

Secondly, a signal has conceptual advantage:

  • Let a given signal thrown by a process A initiate start of a process B.
  • Now let’s recall that BPM is a management of business processes that change in time and assume that we decided to make process C handle the signal instead of B.
  • When a message is used, the receiver is specified in process A, hence we need to modify A scheme in order to change the handler. And if we do we got a problem with A instances already running.
  • When a signal is used, we simply install C and uninstall B. We don’t need to modify A nor to do anything with A instances.

This way signal implements late binding: a handler can be set/reset at time of execution rather than development.

09/13/10 | Articles | , , ,     Comments: 3

A Case For BPMN Signal Event

Events are both the most powerful component of BPMN and most difficult to learn. There are many types of events (more and more with each new versions of BPMN) and it’s not clear how, where and when to use each one. As a result not only users but also developers of BPM Suites make mistakes by implementing events not exactly as the standard prescribes.

There are two levels of understanding: 1) formal and 2) meaningful. Knowing the definition is one thing and knowing how the event of given type differs from others and what are the use cases is another.

In this article I will focus on the signal event.

» read the rest

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