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BPM-блог Анатолия Белайчука

(English) Humans Swimming In The Intalio Pool

Этот контент доступен на языках: English.

19.04.09 | Отклики | , ,    

Комментарии (4)

  1. AS 20.04.09 21:44

    I agree with Anatoly’s diagramms and think that they can be more explicit — see http://improving-bpm-systems.blogspot.com/2009/04/re-humans-swimming-in-intalio-pool.html

  2. Marcel 10.11.09 20:33

    Dear AS.

    First I need to say that I am quite new to BPMS so some implications on the practices are not clear to me.

    Regarding this post, the way you proposed isn´t quite divergent from Anatoly´s purpose?

    I mean, basically you also separate executable flow from human centric flow, which was criticized by Anatoly.

    Please do not understand as criticism rather to take this opportunity to understand better those practices and implications.


  3. AS 10.11.09 21:48
  4. MamuMehdi 12.03.12 07:55

    I agree with Anatoly’s diagramms too.

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